Showing: 1 - 7 of 55 RESULTS

Summer Skirt Magic 50+: Beat the Heat in Style

Summer Skirt Magic 50+: Beat the Heat in Style

Hello, gorgeous ladies! Summer is in full force, and with it comes the relentless heat that can make dressing stylishly a challenge. Enter the summer skirt—our stylish solution to those scorching days when the temperature seems unbearable. The beauty of a summer skirt lies in its breathable design, which makes us feel as if we’ve been transported to a oasis amidst the …

The Burgundy Outfit Craze: How to Wear this Trend Right Now if You're Over 50

The Burgundy Outfit Craze: How to Wear this Trend Right Now if You’re Over 50

Hey there, gorgeous! Summer has officially arrived, and I could not be more excited! With June in full swing, we are finally basking in pure sunshine and soaking up some much-needed vitamin D. After enduring nine long months of chilly, freezing weather in Germany, these precious months of warmth are pure bliss. July and August will bring the heat, but at the moment, we are just beginning to warm up…